Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Up on the Watershed

Okay, I'm going to say it. I think it is slightly sneaky and unoriginal, and well...shitty, that k.d. lang has named her new album Watershed. It's not like Emily Saliers and the Indigo Girls have a copyright on the word, but it just seems wrong that the more commercially successful lang is...yeah, I'll say it... stealing Watershed from Saliers. What's her deal? She can't think of her own cool, at the crossroads of life motto? Seriously, k.d.? Where's your loyalty? And when the songs from this album end up on crappy-ass adult contemporary radio, will it somehow eclipse the original? Well, not in my eyes..but it still seems wrong somehow. It irks me. I'm irked.

I'm worried about Emily Saliers. She's sick, and the Indigo Girls have been canceling concerts left and right. I'm disappointed that I won't be seeing them tonight in Richmond, but mostly I'm just worried about Emily. I think it would be hard to be on the road, never sleeping in your own bed, and miserably sick. [I also have a secret fear that an experience like that will cause her to throw up her hands, say "enough" and walk away from touring...but banish the thought!]. But here's hoping she finally has the time to recover and that the rescheduled Richmond show is on a night when I can go.

I've got your back, Emily.